Recent Short Courses
Short Course #1: “Preparing to Teach Introductory Course on Geoenvironmental Engineering”
Short Course #2: “Sustainable Engineering: Drivers, Metrics, Tools, and Applications”
Geotechnical Engineering Courses: Heading link

CME315 Soil Mechanics and Laboratory
4 hours. Soil formation, phase relationships, index properties and soil classification, soil composition, soil compaction, water in soils, stresses in soils, consolidation, shear strength, soils laboratory.
Prerequisite(s): CME 203 and CME 211.
CME405 Foundation Analysis and Design
3 TO 4 hours. Site characterization; analysis and design of shallow foundations, deep foundations and earth retaining structures; foundations on difficult soils; effects of construction; instrumentation and monitoring.
3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): CME 315.
CME407 Soil and Site Improvement Methods
3 OR 4 hours. Compaction, preloading, vertical drains, grouting, admixture stabilization, thermal stabilization, soil reinforcement, geosynthetics; construction of embankments on soft clay, embankments on mechanically stabilized earth walls, hydraulic barriers; case studies.
3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): CME 315.
CME505 Advanced Soil Mechanics
4 hours. Soil structure, stresses in soil mass, fluid flow, consolidation, drained and undrained shear strength, stressstrain relations, laboratory determination of strength and compressibility of soils.
Prerequisite(s): CME 315.
CME515 Embankments and Earth Structures
4 hours. Shear strength and consolidation of soils, slope stability analysis, embankments and earth dams, sheet pile walls, braced and tied back walls, slurry walls, tunnel supports.
Prerequisite(s): CME 315.
Geoenvironmental Engineering Courses: Heading link

CME415 Environmental Geotechnology
3 OR 4 hours. Environmental laws and regulations, sources and types of waste materials, waste materials in geotechnical engineering applications, geotechnical management of municipal, industrial, mine and nuclear wastes.
3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): CME 315.
CME425 Environmental Remediation Engineering
3 OR 4 hours. Sources of contamination, regulations, site characterization, impact assessment, waste disposal and containment options, waste treatment options, case studies.
3 undergraduate hours. 4 graduate hours. Prerequisite(s): CME 315.
CME514 Sustainable Engineering
4 hours. Definitions and basic principles/concepts; global climate change and implications on environmental & resources; societal and economic responsibilities; public and private sustainability initiatives & partnerships; sustainable design goals/elements; sustainability metrics & assessment tools; integrated life cycle analysis; carbon sequestration; green and sustainable remediation; waste prevention; green materials; energy efficiency and renewable energy; water conservation & recycling; natural resource conservation; green civil infrastructure/building technologies; challenges of sustainable development, case studies
Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
CME516 Design of Landfills and Impoundments
4 hours. Regulatory overview, site selection, waste characterization, design and construction of landfill and impoundment components, operations, performance monitoring, closure plans, long-term impacts and monitoring, economic analysis.
Prerequisite(s): CME 315.
CME549 Subsurface Flow and Contaminant Transport Modeling
4 hours. Definitions, basic principles, fluid flow in vadose zone, groundwater flow, contaminant transport in vadose zone, contaminant transport in groundwater, numerical models and field implementation, case studies.
Prerequisite(s): CME 415 or consent of the instructor.
CME594 Computer Methods in Geoenvironmental Engineering
4 hours. Geoenvironmental problems and role of modeling, analytical versus numerical models, finite difference versus finite element methods, general modeling methodology, input requirements and uncertainties, water balance/seepage analysis, settlement & slope stability analyses, flow and contaminant transport modeling, applications to analysis and design of landfill systems, impoundment liners, sub-aqueous sediments caps, soil & groundwater contamination assessment and remediation.
Prerequisite(s): Consent of the instructor.
Professional Short Courses: Heading link
- 1-Day Short Course on Design, Construction and Monitoring of Landfills
- Two-Weeks GIAN Course on Polluted Sites: Characterization and Remediation
- 1-Day Short Course on Life Cycle Assessment and Sustainable Geo-Engineering
- 1-Day Short Course on Advances in Geoenvironmental Engineering: Soil, Groundwater, and Sediment Remediation
- One-Week GIAN Course on Geoenvironmental Engineering and Landfills
- One-Week Short Course on Remediation of Contaminated Sites
- One-Week Short Course on Geoenvironmental Engineering